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Catching Up at Homecoming « Expect the Exceptional

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Catching Up at Homecoming

Homecoming is always an exciting time at McDaniel. Many are stoked to see friends that have graduated in the the past. The football game is always a big attraction that allows people to coming home to the Hill.

My homecoming was not as exciting as most stories I’ve heard about — I had to spend it at basketball practice. But I was able to catch some of the football game. Even though I only was able to be in attendance for the first half, I was able to speak with many friends that I haven’t seen since May. These friends vary from old teammates, to past fraternity brothers, and also random people I’ve met over the years at McDaniel.

The person that highlighted my day was Dr. Charles Neal. Dr. Neal retired from McDaniel’s political science department this past spring. He is the professor that made me fall in love with the poli sci major. Seeing him and catching up with him was great.

The weather was just as wonderful as the people I encountered. It was a mild fall day that allowed me to wear shorts and a t-shirt — I’ll take that over being wrapped up in bundles of clothing. The weather made it perfect to tailgate, and with tailgating always comes good food.

So while I was only able to attend the first half of homecoming festivities, I enjoyed every last bit of it.

McDaniel College Homecoming 2014

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