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Fall has arrived on campus! « Expect the Exceptional

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Fall has arrived on campus!

The crisp air tickles the depth of your lungs, coating your insides with a fresh renewal only the breath of sweet fall can bring. The crunch of the colorful leaves un320334_4698369747017_2106393568_nder your feet as you traipse across Red Square sounds the soft alarm that autumn has finally arrived. Campus during the fall is a sight to behold. With trees all around, every pathway is a tapestry of painted splendor. Every day I come back from class, I throw open the windows and let the afternoon breeze flood through my apartment, gently blowing open my curtains in the process. 397203_4698369427009_319261151_n

This year, being in an apartment, fall takes on a whole new charm. In the morning, I wake up to my coffee maker brewing fresh coffee.  Because the sun sets earlier, after school and work, I curl up on our couch, and watch my favorite television program in the dim lighting of our living room lamp. Our kitchen provides a great opportunity to embrace fall foods – soup, grilled cheese, and stew are on our stove almost every day.

Following a beautiful fall care package from my parents, I have now adorned my apartment in the most enchanting and festive decorations. Lining the edge of our mirror above the bathroom sinks, purple and orange lights contribute a nice, warm, and October-y glow. Mini pumpkins sit on our window sills and fake candles flicker inside cracked glass candle votives. Happy pumpkin car557661_4698370307031_496538643_ntoons dance around the cups and glasses in the cabinets and grace the center of the sugar cookies on the table. While I don’t particularly like anything scary for Halloween, a small scare is always a bit of fun, as long as I’m not the scared one J. So to finish off the fall decorations, plastic spiders crawl around the beds of my roommates (shhhh).  With decorations complete and scarves hanging in my closet, I am ready for the temperatures to plummet.  The cold never bothered me anyway ;).

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