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Late Night Music in Big Baker « Expect the Exceptional

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Late Night Music in Big Baker

Hi guys,

One of my favourite things about McDaniel is that there are so many little hideaway places on campus, almost like campus Easter eggs. One of these is Big Baker Chapel (and another is Little Baker Chapel!) which, despite not being always in use, is open until 11 or 12 at night. Big Baker Chapel is basically a church in the middle of campus. It’s where the bells that we hear chiming every fifteen minutes come from.

A few nights ago, one of my friends convinced us to go to Big Baker instead of studying so he could play piano. I had a final paper due the next day that I was frantically working on, but I decided to be coerced, and it was a good decision. Small lamps were placed in each window sill and were the only lights on. I lay on the steps to the altar and stared at the ceiling as my friend played. I don’t take enough time to appreciate the beauty in the small things at McDaniel, but Big Baker at night seems a place where magical things could happen.


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