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Forget the gym–McDaniel has a pool! « Expect the Exceptional

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Forget the gym–McDaniel has a pool!

McDaniel College Harlow Pool (300x196)Since I have more free time than usual over Jan Term, I’ve been trying to swim at least three times a week. I try to go at least once a week during the school year, but when it comes down to sleeping an extra hour or swimming, sleep usually wins.

The biggest struggle with swimming right now is that I have to actually wear shoes to and from the pool instead of flip-flops. The feeling of damp feet in tights or socks is one I absolutely detest, but marginally better than wearing flip flops and having no feeling left in my toe afterwards.

Our pool is relatively small with only five lanes, but it’s free for students to use as much as they want for recreation. I still have yet to go to the campus gym, but I absolutely adore our pool. I’m not interested in being part of the swim team, so I really appreciate that the pool is open to everyone.

I’ve been going after the class I’m sitting in on for Jan Term. There’s rarely many people there. I tend to just do freestyle back and forth and back and forth–but that’s how I like to swim!

In the cold months it’s hard to get out and go for walks, so the pool allows me to have meditative time to relax while exercising so I can eat Nutella guilt-free.

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