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Looking towards Spring « Expect the Exceptional

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Looking towards Spring

In exactly four months and one day, on May 26, my Yellowstone contract starts.

While I’m not positive that I’m going back this summer, this also shows how much time is left in the semester.

Seniors graduate on May 23. To me, since I will be abroad next year, it feels like the juniors are also graduating as I won’t see them on campus again. This is going to absolutely break my heart, as some of my closest friends are seniors. But I’ll keep in contact with them and we’ll make these four months count.

This semester will be an interesting one for me. I recently accepted two remote internships–one with a literary agency and one with a literary scouting agency. Both are unpaid, and both are requiring quite a lot of my time. However, in the past semester, I admitted to myself that I want to be in the publishing industry when I graduate. I absolutely adore books more than anything and I think reading can truly change lives. The industry is crazy hard to get into and doesn’t pay well at all, which is why I had never admitted it to myself, but through these internships I’m seeing that I’d love my job. For the most part right now, I’m reading manuscripts and writing reader’s reports for them, but one will have me doing more specialized tasks later in the year.

As of now, I’m also taking 22 credits–five regular classes and four EPEs–though there’s a high chance I’ll drop one of the major classes and perhaps an EPE. British Novel is the class I might drop depending on how my workload looks, as I’m least excited for it. I’m also taking International Law and Organization, which is a basic PoliSci requirement but concentrates on the UN and world politics which I find immensely fascinating and is being taught by one of my favourite polisci professors. My Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies class is called Justice, Fairness, and the Law, and should be interesting. Both are three hour long once a week night classes. This in theory will be good for me–while I can be guilty of having a short attention span it’ll mean that I have a lot of time to do work, which will allow me to plan ahead. I’m also taking a class on Poe with one of my favourite English teachers. The class I’m looking forward to most, however, counts towards neither my majors nor the McDaniel plan, so I have no justification for taking it except that it’ll be fun–Scriptwriting. I’ve never taken a cinema class before so I hope it’ll be how I expect it to be, but if it doesn’t pan out, Writing in Law and Policy is taught at the same time and I’d be almost as excited to take that.

This will be my last semester on campus before a year abroad and my last semester with a lot of good friends, but I’m ready to make the most of it.

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