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My first week back « Expect the Exceptional

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My first week back

Contrast Lit Mag McDanielToday was only the fourth day of classes, but already, I’m super busy!

On Tuesday, I had my Graphic Novels and Poe classes, both of which were quite fun. For Graphic Novels, we read and discussed Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis part one for today, and next week, we’ll be discussing Art Spiegelman’s Maus I and Maus II. After doing my entire senior sem on web comics, it’s nice to get to analyze some other comics. Poe has been very relaxed. Dr. Kachur, who teaches it, is very funny, and I think he and the class appreciate my own jokes : )

Yesterday, I was excited to find out that I’ll be working as an intern at the Carroll County Health Department in conjunction with my Writing for Nonprofits class. I’m not yet sure what exactly my job will entail, but I get to meet with my new supervisor tomorrow morning. On Monday, my classmates and I had been given a list of organizations we could potentially worked for, and each of us selected our top four organization choices. When I saw the Health Department, I knew I needed to make it my first choice, since I knew it was something I needed to try. Even though I’m an English major, I’ve always had a bit of a side interest in medicine, but incorporating this interest into a career had somehow not been something I’d really considered before. Now, I have the chance to explore this path for a bit and see if it could be right for me.

Over the past few days, I’ve also been taking care of some of my editorial duties for Contrast, McDaniel’s literary magazine. Every February, we hold a writing and art contest open to the entire campus so we can gather submissions for our annual issue, published in April. So on Wednesday, my co-editor and I sat down to hammer out when submissions would be due and when we would want to release the magazine (which entails a small release party). I poured a lot of effort into creating a professional looking poster to promote the contest, copies of which I’ll pick up from the campus copy center tomorrow morning. I’m excited to see the posters around campus and to get the contest rolling!

Things are only going to get busier form here on out. My job at the Writing Center starts up again next week, and the week after that, I’ll begin my internship. Fortunately, I’m doing so many things I’m excited about, and I hope this will keep me motivated as I race across the finish line in May.

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