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New Furniture! « Expect the Exceptional

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New Furniture!

Since being back at McDaniel, I have noticed the school has been improving in many ways. Over Jan Term, we got new furniture turning Ensor Lounge into a cool study space. The furniture is vibrant and comfy. It gives you a variety of options for studying that range from relaxing reading chairs to high chairs with a long table for spreading out and using your laptop. I have seen such an increase in people using Ensor Lounge as well as an improvement in my overall happiness with McDaniel.

We had places to sit in Ensor before, but by changing the layout and the color palette, it makes the whole building feel more cohesive, and the improved feng shui (room orientation) makes for a friendlier environment. Some of the classrooms have new desk chairs in them, and there are more benches in private and public spaces. It’s just nice to feel like I can go anywhere to get my work done or to relax while in one of the main non-academic buildings.

Overall, this new semester is looking to be one filled with many surprises. I cannot wait to see what improvements come next!

Comfy reading chairs

Comfy reading chairs

High chairs and long table with outlets

High chairs and long table with outlets

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