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Harper Lee hype! « Expect the Exceptional

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Harper Lee hype!

To Kill a MockingbirdToday I had an afternoon that I never expected to have in my life. While sitting in a classroom 20 minutes before my Graphic Novels class started, I popped onto Facebook, and at the top of my news feed was an article about how Harper Lee (of To Kill a Mockingbird fame) is publishing her second book, to be released this July.

There was no other place I would have rather been to learn this than in the English department. Ecstatic, I ran out of the classroom and told a classmate who was sitting amongst the department armchairs, and when her level of enthusiasm did not match mine, I bolted to the office of Am Lit professor Dr. Regis (one of my favorite professors in the department) to share the great news! She, one of her advisees, and I promptly screamed about it for two minutes, during which time we shared celebratory hugs and learned that the book, Go Set a Watchman, will feature an adult Scout Finch.

This is what I love about the McDaniel English department. We’re enthusiastic people who get genuinely excited about good news and good books. Combine those two good things together, and even better things happen — including an office full of three women so happy about a book that they’re nearly in tears.

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