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When times get rough, McDaniel helps make it better « Expect the Exceptional

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When times get rough, McDaniel helps make it better

When times get rough, I find myself more thankful than ever that I chose to come to McDaniel

It has been a tough start to the semester. I spent a week sick, my friends are having bad times, and I spent Valentine’s Day weekend at home for my grandmother’s funeral.

However, many of these things are reminding me how lucky I am to know the people I know here. My track coaches and professors are supportive and understanding, letting me worry about family instead of how much class and practice I’m missing. My teammates helped get me through the rest of a track meet, which is where I heard the news about my grandmother passing away.

And I have realized over the last few weeks that my friends mean more to me than I knew and I mean a great deal to them. It often takes patches of negative things to make people truly grasp the positives, and that’s exactly what has been happening to me.

This has also made me realize the genuine care so many professors put into every class and student. It amazes me every time I see an example of it: a short email about an in-class assignment, the ability to do homework in their office to have friendly company, and a sincere “How are you?” go a long way in letting me know how much they think about me and other students.

McDaniel’s size is one thing that goes a long way to making that possible, but it is also, I think, part of what it means to be part of this community.

McDaniel College snow

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