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Global Seminar Class and Fairy Tales « Expect the Exceptional

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Global Seminar Class and Fairy Tales

The Frog PrinceThis semester, I am taking a one-credit Global Seminar course. Although the course was originally planned and organized for students in the Global Fellows program, any student who is interested in discussing international news and issues is welcome to enroll.

The course meets on Monday nights, and because it is such a small class (four students), the discussions are always fascinating. This is the first time a class like this has been offered at McDaniel, so the first couple of classes were a bit unnerving.The class works in different modules, and each module is three weeks long. We have one week where the class is student-led, one week that features a faculty member, and one week where there is no class (we write in our Learning Blogs instead).
Dr. Mohamed Esa

Dr. Esa is a professor of German. He’s also an expert on fairy tales.

This week featured Dr. Esa, a professor in the German department. He specializes in fairy tales, folklore, and stories, and he talked to the class about how he became interested in the subject. He showed us some of the papers and books he wrote and his story on how he became a professor at McDaniel College. My favorite part of this class was when he shared his wisdom on how to become an expert in the field.

After Dr. Esa’s discussion, one student led a discussion on Pediga, a very controversial and relevant movement in Germany. Dr. Esa was able to join us for this and it was fun to hear everyone’s opinions.
Although the course is only one credit, it is a highlight of my week. I can relax and know that the class will feature intelligent and insightful commentary. As the semester progresses, I will most likely post more details about the class and the projects students work on for the final assignment.

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