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Honors Lounge: A Friday Hideaway « Expect the Exceptional

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Honors Lounge: A Friday Hideaway

The Honors Lounge

The Honors Lounge (a.k.a. the Room of Requirement)

I needed to get out of my room today, but I wanted to go somewhere where I could get work done without running into a ton of people. The quiet floor of the library would have worked except for the fact that it closes a bit earlier today, and I had plans to study for a while, so I went to the Honors Lounge — also known as the Room of Requirement. Normally, I use the lounge whenever I have a couple minutes in between work and classes, but today, I stayed in there for a couple of hours.

I got some work done with one of the other honors students, and we chatted a bit about our classes. I also took the opportunity to print things for my class because the room has free printing — a perk of being in the Honors Program. When I got sleepy, I took a nap on the couch for about an hour and a half, and then I awoke and got even more work done. This is the perfect space to do practically anything! It really allowed me to focus because very few people use it around this time. I think more of my Friday afternoons will be spend in this lounge!

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