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A Denny’s Birthday Celebration (2012 Again) « Expect the Exceptional

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A Denny’s Birthday Celebration (2012 Again)

My friends decorated PSY in honor of my 20th birthday two years ago. I wouldn't have thought we'd listen to "Gangnam Style" again two years later when I turned 22. Time flies!

My friends decorated PSY in honor of my 20th birthday two years ago. I wouldn’t have thought we’d listen to “Gangnam Style” again two years later when I turned 22. Time flies!

I turned 22 on Wednesday, and to celebrate, six of my seven female suite mates from my sophomore year took me out to Denny’s at around 10:30 Thursday night. It’s rare to get so many of us together in one place,so we relished in old memories and created new ones.

On the way there, I thought it would be fun to play “Gangnam Style” by PSY, since two and a half years ago, it had gone viral and our suite had listened to it a lot. (We even had a drawing of PSY on the white board in our common room that we’d decorate depending on what holiday it was — public white boards are a must in college.)

We then sat around at Denny’s talking about, among other things, how we used to go to Denny’s fairly regularly. One time, December of my sophomore year, many of us had gone with a bunch of other people to Denny’s at like one in the morning — and we all walked. (You can actually read about this adventure in depth here, as I have preserved it for posterity.) This was the most memorable of many Denny’s outings we went on that year.

Denny’s turned out to be a great place to celebrate my birthday with some close friends. Their late hours fit everyone’s schedule, and we got to gorge on milkshakes, pancakes, nachos, and more. It really doesn’t matter where you celebrate, as long as you have good friends to celebrate with. Thank you, friends, for a lovely evening!

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