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Spring Cleaning « Expect the Exceptional

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Spring Cleaning

This spring break, I stayed on campus to work, knit, practice for track, do homework, and clean.

And yes, I was excited for every bit of it, and it was just as wonderful as I’d hoped.

Through cleaning, I managed to put together a box of things to take home that I won’t have to worry about at the end of the semester. I went through all my clothes to make room for things I can wear in warm weather, because that’s here-ish. I also made a space on my desk so I can use it instead of doing homework on my bed (not that I will).

Being able to clear away some of the clutter while dancing around to catchy songs was deeply relaxing. After a semester that has been far too hectic and event-filled for my taste, it was just what I needed—combined with all the knitting, Netflix-watching, reading, exercise, work, and dancing around campus like an idiot because there’s virtually nobody here to see me do it.

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