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What’s delicious and costs a quarter? A cinnamon bun! « Expect the Exceptional

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What’s delicious and costs a quarter? A cinnamon bun!

I’ve recently developed a new addiction that I thought I should share.1

I have a major sweet tooth. I could probably live off chocolate and sweet potatoes quite happily. However, chocolate and peanut butter chips don’t really serve as a breakfast food, even when I mix them together, so I decided to find a new alternative, as I’ve been trying to eat breakfast before I go swimming in the mornings.

I can’t think of one time that I’ve bought cookie dough and actually cooked it–I normally eat it raw. However, most supermarkets also sell ready-to-bake cinnamon rolls in the same area. One day, I decided to grab a tube instead of a packet of cookie dough. They cost about two dollars for a tube that has eight separate rolls.

The instructions called for 15 minutes in an oven, but I used my creative juices and tried the microwave in my room. It took me a couple of times to get the timing right, but now I’ve got it down to an art. If you’re cooking one bun, microwave it for 45-50 seconds. If you’re cooking two, cook them for 1 minute and 5-10 seconds.

The tubes come with little icing packets that you can then slather all over the bun. My room always smells like cinnamon for a good half hour after I cook the rolls, and I’m perpetually burning my fingers because I can’t wait to eat them! If you’re at a supermarket, I definitely recommend picking up a tube to keep in your fridge, though be warned–it may not last long!

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