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Senior Honors Colloquium: A Culminating Experience « Expect the Exceptional

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Senior Honors Colloquium: A Culminating Experience

Everyone also had to bring in food on the day they presented. For my presentation, I brought in Hyperbole and a Half cupcakes to match my web comics presentation.

Everyone also had to bring in food on the day they presented. For my presentation, I brought in Hyperbole and a Half cupcakes to match my web comics presentation.

To finish out my time in McDaniel’s Honor’s Program, I took a course called the Senior Honors Colloquium this semester. For this course, seniors in the Honors Program have to present a project that has been meaningful to them during their time at McDaniel. Students typically present their senior capstone research or their honors theses. Because the class is comprised of students who come from all sorts of different academic disciplines, no two sections of Honors Colloquium are exactly alike.

Here are some of the topics people presented on:

  • The Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland, where my classmate got to intern over the summer
  • The need for exercise prescriptions, where doctors prescribe specific exercise regiments to patients (instead of just saying “exercise more”)
  • Whether or not e-cigarettes are harmful and what sources should be trusted
  • How movies are made and what elements go into a screenplay
  • Uses and misuses of Department of Defense funds
  • Parasites called gregarines
  • The treatment of nontreatable schizophrenia
  • How encryption works
  • Adapting a short memoir into comics art

Overall, Colloquium was a fun experience. Learning about topics from a variety of disciplines felt like a good way to wrap up a liberal arts education, and it was cool to see what the Honors Program peers I’d known since day one have devoted their time to over the past four years. I also got to present my senior seminar for a second time, and it was a good way to get feedback from people of other disciplines to see how I should tweak it to present it at MCHC.

On the last day of Colloquium, which was today, we all watched videos about our projects that we had made to summarize them. Here’s mine:

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