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IPO Photo Contest « Expect the Exceptional

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IPO Photo Contest

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis year, the International Programs Office is holding its first annual photo contest. Students may submit photos they took during their study abroad semester in five different categories (criteria is taken from the IPO’s email):

1. McDaniel Pride

You and/or other students (either local or McDaniel students) participating in an exciting activity abroad, eating an exotic food, participating in a dance, and more wearing McDaniel attire

2. People of the World

Anything that captures local people in a foreign country — vendors at the market, locals walking the streets or participants in a festival, etc.

3. Places of the World

Any landscape, monument, building, nature scene that captures the place where you studied abroad

4. Once in a Lifetime Moment

Everyone has that moment abroad when they stop and realize that the study abroad experience truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Were you able to capture that moment? Show us!

5. The Artistic Eye

A chance to showcase your creative vision, ranging from small details to large landscapes; anything that may not fit into the other categories.

Every student who studied abroad may submit one photo in each category. I sent in two of my favorite pictures thinking that it would be easy to choose. I spent two hours looking through my study abroad pictures. So many memories. Here is one of my favorite photos I took while abroad.

The photos will be on display in Hill Hall in April and students can vote for their favorite pictures in each category on the IPO’s Facebook page (I encourage you to like the page and vote as well!). I am extremely excited for this new contest, I think that it allows students to share moments abroad with peers and I cannot wait to see all of the pictures!

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