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Art, Art Everywhere! « Expect the Exceptional

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Art, Art Everywhere!

On Thursday evening, I went to the Rice Gallery to see the Honors Art Exhibit. It was great to see all of the talent that we have here on campus. My friend Amanda is an Art and Mathematics major, so she merged the two in her art. She explained to me how her art reflected different mathematics problems.

Amanda and her art!

Amanda and her art!

There were tons of different art styles. Mangie Moreno wrote on her body and displayed it for everyone to see which was awesome! Most of the writing on her body was about the troubles of the world and her personal philosophy. Her art made me think.

There were also a couple of comic book inspired pieces as well which were unique and surprising. I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s different ways of expressing themselves in their art. These art shows are so fabulous, and I appreciate having the ability to see awesome free art! 

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