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Free Music on Campus « Expect the Exceptional

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Free Music on Campus

Coming from San Francisco, I’m used to going to three or four concerts a year with major bands playing. Since coming to McDaniel, I’ve only been to one major concert–Pearl Jam, in freshman year–but thankfully, my need for live music is still sated.

Ivo Kaltchev

On Friday evening, the music department had its annual guest artist recital, featuring pianist Ivo Kaltchev. He played free of charge to the public in McDaniel Lounge, with a set of about 90 minutes consisting of music by four composers. I don’t have an ear for quality like some of my music major friends do, but I was absolutely blown away by his talent. He played almost the whole time with his eyes closed and looked perfectly serene even as he played tumultuous songs that rose and fell. I loved the selection of music he chose, as it had some really calm and peaceful songs as well as others that showcased his talent with dramatic lines. My favourite section was four preludes by Debussy that, while being distinct and separate, all merged together. You can read all about him on our website here. The music department also often has live events from student ensembles and performers, especially closer to the ends of semesters, and they’re always top notch.

Then, on Saturday, fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilion hosted Phoenix Fest in Old Gill Gymnasium. Tickets were $5 in the presale and all proceeds benefited the Children’s Miracle Network. I have a few friends in SAE who have been working really hard in preparation for the event, which featured bands from the local area as well as bands comprised of McDaniel students. They had eighteen groups in the end and the event went almost nine hours. I’m really hoping it becomes an annual event, as the environment was unlike anything I’d seen at McDaniel before.

My favourite music on the Hill, however, is my friends jamming. I have several very talented friends, and when they can organize themselves together, they sound really incredible. I’m always blown away when they’re playing, whether it’s when they’ve organized and are playing as a band or when one has picked up a guitar and is playing in the background.


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