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Fundraising Fun: Panera Bread « Expect the Exceptional

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Fundraising Fun: Panera Bread

Walk a Mile 2015Last week, the Writing for Nonprofits class that I’m taking through the English department held not one but two fundraisers to benefit Rape Crisis Intervention Service of Carroll County’s Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event. Our 12-student class divided up into two groups to plan the two fundraisers. My group hosted a Panera Bread fundraiser, which was on a Monday evening, and the other group hosted an open mic night on Friday evening.

Prior to choosing Panera as the restaurant where we’d hold our fundraiser, the five other people in my group and I called up a variety of area restaurants to inquire about their availability and how much money we would receive. Panera became our choice because they were available and because when they have fundraisers, 10% of all sales go towards the fundraiser — so no flyers or mentioning the fundraiser at the cash register were necessary. My role in the project was to submit campus announcements about the fundraiser and create a Facebook event to advertise it.

The Panera fundraiser ended up being a lot of fun. My group members and I did a solid job promoting the event, and at least a dozen of my friends — along with lots of familiar McDaniel faces — came to support us and enjoy some delicious food.

The more than $200 we raised at Panera will go toward our class’s Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Team, and all of that money goes to Rape Crisis. I’m so proud that we were able to raise so much money — it’s going to make a big impact!


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