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Celtic Thunder Adventure « Expect the Exceptional

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Celtic Thunder Adventure

I went home for Easter weekend for one main reason: a concert. I did want to see my family and my dogs, but it was the nearby show starring Celtic Thunder, a six-member singing group with a seven-member band all from Ireland, that really made me want to drive six hours total to spend less than 48 hours in my hometown.



I attended the concert with my mom, my grandmother, and a family friend. On our way into the event center, I was given a yellow bracelet to mark that I’m under 21 and can’t have anything alcoholic from the bar, including Celtic Thunder themed drinks. I got a program, we took our seats, and then we waited for some of my favorite singing voices to start.

The show was two and a half hours long and I enjoyed every minute of it. It was a Best Of tour, so I knew all the songs. It was fantastic to take a break from schoolwork and spend a significant portion of it around a crowd of people that like the same music I do.

The rest of my weekend was filled with more family, Holy Saturday blessed lunch, and the return of a show based on my favorite books: Outlander.

I am glad to be back on campus with work to do, but a weekend of my favorite things and no homework was much needed recharge time.

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