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An Honors Conference: Part 2 « Expect the Exceptional

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An Honors Conference: Part 2

My number one goal for MCHC was to get a picture with the Salisbury seagull. Mission accomplished!

My number one goal for MCHC was to get a picture with the Salisbury seagull. Mission accomplished!

On day two of my time in Salisbury, I woke up, did my hair and makeup, and went down to the hotel lobby for continental breakfast, eager that my day to present at MCHC had come.

Because I was a little slow to get ready, eat, and pack up my things, I (sadly) missed the morning’s first session of presentations, but I made it back to Salisbury’s campus with plenty of time before my own session. During this time, I was able to fulfill my goal of having my picture taken with the statue of Salisbury’s seagull mascot.

Prior to my presentation, a woman from a community college presented about Mexican art. One thing that was cool about MCHC was that a lot of honors students from community colleges were represented and that presenters were students of all ages.

Next, I gave my “Comicking Depression” presentation, which I had already delivered for my senior sem presentation and in my Honors Colloquium class. I think talking about depression and how it’s represented by ordinary people through web comics is a fun and important topic to talk about, so I was glad to have the opportunity to present it for a third time to some people who hadn’t seen it.

People responded really well to what I had to say, and they asked me some great questions, giving me the opportunity to talk about how to I came up with my project and what I thought about the use of animation in ads for antidepressants. It was a thrill to talk to people who were genuinely interested in what I had to say!

After my presentation, I attended one more session, a panel about women and/as monsters in literature. And after that, my McDaniel peers and I grabbed bagged lunches to go — in order to attend the conference, we had to sacrifice the afternoon of Spring Fling, so we were eager to get back to campus as quickly as possible in order to partake in the fun.

But it was a sacrifice that was worth it. I had a great time attending MCHC and getting a peek at life on another college campus. (I still think McDaniel is the best college for me!) It was a valuable experience to get to present my work to people outside of McDaniel, and I know it’s an experience that will help me in my professional life.

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