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Invading the State House in Annapolis « Expect the Exceptional

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Invading the State House in Annapolis


My view from the dais, where I sat as Parliamentarian.

Of the many things I do, Maryland Student Legislature is one activity I’ve held near and dear to my heart for the past two years. Last weekend, we had our Annual Session in the State House in Annapolis. Our attendance was low with only about 60 students from 7 different schools in Maryland in attendance, but it was still a lot of fun and there were some incredibly interesting debates.

This time last year I was elected to serve as Attorney General for the state, which meant that I edited the 30 or so pieces of legislation that were submitted. I also wrote a bunch of my own, which included some amendments to our Constitution as well as regular pieces such as an act banning the sale of cats and dogs from pet stores. Though being AG had consumed HOURS upon HOURS of my life, I had really loved getting to fix all grammatical and spelling errors and I had become much better at navigating the laws of Maryland from assisting other students as they wrote their own legislation. I’d have loved to run for another term if I weren’t going abroad next year.

At the last minute before our packets went to print, I had whipped together a resolution on freezing college tuition for students while they attended. I expected it to be controversial as it applied to all colleges in Maryland, including private colleges, but I was pleasantly overwhelmed by the healthy debate it inspired. At the fancy gala on Saturday night, they announced awards, and to my surprise, they awarded me Most Outstanding Resolution. I won the award last year as well, and am the first person in MSL history to win two legislative awards, so I felt very pleased–though a little amused that it had been the piece I had spent the least time on! (I mandated that if passed the bill be sent to the director of the Maryland Vehicle Administration, which made no sense at all, to my later entertainment.)

While I’m so excited to go abroad next year, it was really sad to have to say goodbye to all of the seniors AND juniors in MSL. I’ll definitely do it again my senior year though, and I’m excited to see what the younger members bring to the table.

McDaniel students in the State House.


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