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German-American Day! « Expect the Exceptional

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German-American Day!

Hello again! So today was German-American Day at McDaniel College and I got back yesterday to help with sorting through t-shirts and preparing for the flood of high school and middle school students. Basically, we invite a bunch of different high schools and middle schools to McDaniel’s campus so that they can learn about German culture. I was one of the assistants for the German Music presentation that our house director, Sa Rah, was the presenter for. This was the largest amount of students we have had here for German-American Day. The assistants had to guide the students to their presentation and then after that to Glar, our cafeteria. Unfortunately, there were so many students that we, the other assistant, Sa Rah, and I decided to go to the Pub. After that, the students went to the Baker Memorial Chapel to see the band Artig. We had posters available for the students to buy and many of the students really seemed to enjoy the band. The nice thing about this event is that it not only offers  information to these students about German culture, but it also shows them McDaniel’s campus and allows them to get to know the German Department at the college. It’s been a long day, but very productive.

This weekend I mostly packed up the rest of my things for moving because the next weekend, not this weekend, but the one after, will be the weekend we are moving in. This week will be pretty busy because I have a test tomorrow and then a test Thursday. The best part of having my parents come visit on the weekends is definitely having Baugher’s for dinner. Their desserts are amazing and so are their Reuben sandwiches.

Thankfully, we have cable TV on campus and this weekend I got to see the season premiere for the Walking Dead. I was so excited and I honestly was not disappointed. I do like the comics better, but the TV show is really worth watching if you’re into survivalist and zombie sorts of movies. Thank you for reading once again!

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