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End of Year Music Performances « Expect the Exceptional

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End of Year Music Performances

iThe end of the year is always a vibrant time for live music at McDaniel because all of the ensembles perform live.

There are a lot of music groups at McDaniel–flute choir, percussion ensemble, band, orchestra, flute quartet, string quartet… the list goes on for a while. Some consist only of McDaniel students, but others have members of the community performing as well. When I was in flute choir, I enjoyed getting to meet older people from the community who simply loved to play and wanted to improve.

My favourite this year was bass ensemble, which was at 4:37PM on Friday. The instructor, Bo, theorises that if one of the bassists is in their room in Rouzer Hall at 4:30 and realises they’re supposed to be at a performance, it takes them seven minutes to grab their instrument and head to Levine Hall, where all the music classes are. Three of my good friends were performing, and since they’re not as popular of a group I got to see them in the really intimate setting of a music practice room.

Band and orchestra also always give very solid performances and it’s really cool to see my peers playing instruments. There’s always somebody who plays an instrument and hasn’t told me about it, so I’m always pleasantly surprised by the talent of the performers. There are two jazz ensembles also that always make me want to dance.

Since one of my best friends is a music major, I often attend these performances just to see her. They’re always a pleasant break from that end-of-the-year finals stress!



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