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Midnight Madness « Expect the Exceptional

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Midnight Madness

Midnight Madness is the night when the basketball teams are first allowed to practice for the season. However, this event is more than just for the players on those teams and is highly anticipated by the entire college community.

Midnight Madness was Sunday night, and in the 45 minutes leading up to the first practice at 12 am, students came out and enjoyed a variety of fun games and events. Campus Safety had a drunk driving go-cart demonstration where the first person to manuever around the coned course won. There were also basketball related relay events and a contest to get the most shots made first. Students were competing for not only a victory but also the free pizza pie they would win from Papa John’s.

The atmosphere is really exciting and it is great to see McDaniel come together to support their basketball teams.

When the clock strikes midnight, players are introduced to their peers and they take the court. The girl’s team is divided to scrimmage each other and when they are done, the boy’s team does the same.

This is one of my favorite traditions at McDaniel, and it is “so college” to be up playing basketball until 1 am.

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