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Movie Time « Expect the Exceptional

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Movie Time

So, I have actually had a really good week. Even though I have been recovering still, I am feeling much better and have been able to be up and about more. Anime Club, which meets on Thursday at 8:00, this week was a lot of fun and we finally decided on our t-shirt designs and most of the club wants to buy one once we order them. We watched our running series as well as two other shows and it was a really nice relaxing way to end my week since I do not have any classes on Friday. All of the officers also went to the Station after the meeting and we got a lot of details worked out for our upcoming auction. It was productive, but there were also several new people at the Station doing Karaoke who were actually really good, so we had a lot of fun.

On Friday, I had some make up work to do, but my evening was spent relaxing with friends. Phil and I went to see The Dark Knight Rises in Decker Auditorium. One nice thing about McDaniel is that they show a relatively new movie on campus at least every other week for free. It is a really nice way to hang out with friends or to spend a date night with your significant other and there were a lot of people at the 7:00 showing last night. Everyone there cheered at the end of the movie because it was really good and they seemed to have a really good time. I really liked the movie and will definitely think about buying it sometime soon.

Today, I spent a lot of the day doing homework, however that is primarily because tonight a bunch of us are going to the Carroll Arts Center to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show and to hang out. We are going with a very diverse group of friends so it will be interesting to see how everyone likes the movie and how they react to its eccentricities. I am going with Dan, Lisa, Phil, and several other friends – some of them have seen it before and some have not. The Carroll Arts Center shows Rocky Horror once a year and it was a lot of fun last year and I expect it will be just as much fun this time around.


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