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Planning My Future « Expect the Exceptional

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Planning My Future

I love travelling, I love looking at maps, and I love planning my future. That said, this week was fun! [Note: I have 2 sisters, one lives in Washington, DC, and one lives in Gonaives, Haiti.]

First, my father and I finalized my travel plans for Thanksgiving/Winter Break; they are awesome! My sister and I will both be driving home to Boston for Thanksgiving, and my friend Robby will be coming with us. I haven’t been home since August, so I am looking forward to the chance to relax and show off my city to one of my friends.

As soon as my finals are over, I will fly to California to attend my cousin’s wedding in San Luis Obispo. Then I’ll go from there to my uncle’s house in Columbus, Ohio. From Columbus, Hilary and Kelsey, 2 of my coolest cousins, and I will be flying down to Haiti to visit my sister. We couldn’t be more apprehensive about the trip: its my fourth visit to Haiti, but for Hilary and Kelsey, its their first time to the third world country. I called my sister in Haiti today and she is already thinking about how to make our stay as fun and helpful as possible. For sure we will be playing plenty of soccer.

The other great thing that happened today was that I finally turned in all my paperwork for my semester abroad: Belgium, here I come!! It was a rush at the deadline (including a drive to Walgreens to get one more passport photo printed), but I got everything in. Now I just have to sit back and wait for the Belgian university to get back to me. Fingers crossed!

So, all in all, as a person that loves flying, seeing friends and family, and planning trips, this has been an awesome week.

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