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District 4 Service Day! « Expect the Exceptional

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District 4 Service Day!

This weekend, my sorority, Gamma Sigma Sigma held its first ever district event.  The chapter hosted two other chapters in a Day of Service. Most of the details for this large day of service were planned by my little, Whitney.  As I watched the event come together piece by piece, I could not have been prouder to call her my little.  The day of service had a mission: to serve or raise money for each of our five Service Partners, so naturally, we had to come up with five different service projects. We had a lemonade stand for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, a raffle for Mothers Against Drunk Driving, prize balloons for March of Dimes, bandanna decorating for the American Cancer Society, and a life-sized Monopoly game for American Red Cross.  The monopoly game was not regular Monopoly though-it was McNopoly!  Monopoly McDaniel style!

Whitney and I had so much fun coming up with ideas for what would be on each square, so we could tie it all together and make it McDaniel themed. Then, with the help of some other sisters, we managed to take two pieces of blank canvas and turn it into a Monopoly board.  The entire process was fascinating.  It was so much fun to see it go from the canvas, to a bunch of lines drawn in pencil to the full-scale board in color.  Not to mention, I loved watching other people have fun playing the game that we created.  We really had the support of other organizations on campus, since they came and played Monopoly to help us raise money.  The Monopoly game itself raised $200 for the American Red Cross, and we’re hoping to give it to the Hurricane Relief Fund when we donate it.

Overall, the day was super successful!  We raised over $400 for our five service partners and had a blast doing it!  I loved bonding with my sisters from other chapters while being able to raise money to help others!


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