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German Society Banquet « Expect the Exceptional

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German Society Banquet

Hi again! Saturday, November 3rd, was Homecoming and we had an amazing amount of people there, unfortunately I could not stay for the whole game because I went to a banquet for my German class. It was an award banquet for Michael J. Ruck, Sr. of Ruck Funeral Homes and the award was from the German Society of Maryland. The banquet was held at the Zion Church in Baltimore City, which is a very old, beautiful church. They are a Lutheran Christian church and actually have services in German.

There were many different foods they served for dinner during the banquet too and the main dishes were amazing. I got beef roulade, spätzle (fancy German noodles), and red cabbage, which filled the plate to the brim. They served salad and bread before the meal and after they gave each person a dessert dish with three different kinds of desserts. There was so much food and the desserts were delicious. We ended up asking for boxes or something to wrap the dessert in and they gave us tin foil. It was a very nice banquet and I think we didn’t get back until ten at night.  There were many different speakers, but because there were some who didn’t speak German, no one really spoke in German.

Before that I went to the Homecoming and sat with one of my friends on a blanket next to the stadium. At one point, we got up to venture around and visit some of our friends. Thankfully, Academic Hall was close enough that if we had to go to the bathroom and didn’t want to use the port o’ pots, we didn’t have to. This week was really a busy week for me and I apologize for not staying up to date. Thank you once again for reading!

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