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Closing for Break « Expect the Exceptional

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Closing for Break

One of the most exciting times for a college student are breaks. It is always wonderful to have time off from school to go home and visit friends and family. Usually during this time I check out lots of books from the library to read (for fun, finally!) and plan to do all of the homework I need to catch up on.

Before leaving for break there are a few procedures to go through. Resident Assistants have a meeting to outline everything, and they post a list on the door of what to do before leaving. The list is just a checklist, a reminder to turn off lights and unplug things. It is helpful to have this, especially since it would be bad if things are left plugged in while people are away, that would just be a waste of energy.

Once closing procedures are done, then we can leave. The time for closing of dorms is Wednesday at 10 a.m. and I am leaving Tuesday night. I am so excited to go home, see family, and eat delicious food. Breaks are always exciting (although more exciting when they don’t fall a few weeks before exams). The end of the semester is quickly approaching, but before that it is time to go home and tuck in. I hope the turkey coma still allows for homework to get done.

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