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Kickin’ it with my housemates « Expect the Exceptional

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Kickin’ it with my housemates

One of the best parts of college life is how quickly relationships form and how intense they become because we are constantly around each other. Though I only knew one member of the Spanish house before I moved in, I consider living here one of the best decisions I’ve made in college.

There are ten of us living in the house right now, and if you go into our living room at night, probably about half of us are there watching a movie, doing homework, or just hanging out. Some of my housemates have even made a habit of going on runs together at night. Most importantly, we all share a love of eating and someone is constantly making snacks in the kitchen.

Tonight was the last night we will all be together for about a week due to Thanksgiving break, so we spent the night watching I Am Legend and talking about what sorts of leftover Thanksgiving food we plan on bringing back to the house to share. As I was watching the movie tonight, I felt so blessed to have grown so close with such amazing and interesting people in the span of just a few months.

While I’m definitely excited to head home for a few days and relax with my family, I know that I’ll miss my late-night hangouts with my housemates during these next few days of break. This semester has been a tough one, and I owe a lot to the people I live with for always putting a smile on my face. This is one of the great joys of college life that I doubt we’ll find again: creating a second family through the friends you meet.

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