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Home= Calvin & Hobbes « Expect the Exceptional

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Home= Calvin & Hobbes

At last I get a break from the never-ending craziness of senior year! I’ve been looking forward to Thanksgiving Break for quite literally the past month. While I’ve kept true to my promise of spending lots more quality time in our dear college library, I’ve now turned in both my Honors Thesis/Translation topic and my Senior Seminar dissertation topic- a huge weight off my chest! Most people tend to go home if they can at McDaniel for break, and I’m no exception.

I live about an hour away from McDaniel, but I have no car so I really only go home on big breaks like Thanksgiving, winter break and Spring Break. It makes for a nice change- not to have to pay to do laundry, a fully-stocked kitchen, and those things you love about home. In my case- the comics! I don’t get the paper at school, and so don’t get to read my Sunday morning comics (yes, we all do it, just admit it). One of my very favorite comic strips though, is Calvin and Hobbes, about a wise, yet trouble-making six-year-old and his stuffed tiger Hobbes. It is quite possibly one of the most amusing things you will ever read.

On breaks, especially as it gets colder, one of my very favorite things to do is curl up on the couch with a pillow and blankets and read some of our family’s collections of Calvin and Hobbes books. The result is often me laughing hysterically to myself pretty frequently and chasing down family members to read them a particularly amusing line.

Breaks are the time to re-charge your batteries so to speak, and do some of the things you enjoy but just don’t have time for during the regular semester. That being said, I also have plenty of real work to be getting on with over break… including starting that dissertation for my Paris course (Senior Seminar). Luckily for me, I’m comparing the image of Paris in 21st century french films versus american films! That means I get to work on my dissertation and watch a lot of movies at the same time-taking notes of course.

There’s also work for my Intercultural Comm class…but that entails interviewing one of my international friends through Skype which is also pretty fun. I guess this means I picked the right classes this fall- I actually don’t mind some of the work! In the meantime, excuse me while I go have some more pumpkin pie to eat while reading Calvin & Hobbes…

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