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A Trip to see the Eagles play the Redskins « Expect the Exceptional

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A Trip to see the Eagles play the Redskins

One of the great things about McDaniel is that there are so many fantastic places to go, without having to go far.  McDaniel is very close to places like Baltimore, Towson, and Gettysburg, but last weekend, I took advantage of the fact that McDaniel is so close to Washington DC.  My friend invited me to go to the Washington Redskins game with her, since her family has season tickets.  Of course I said yes, since it was the game they were playing against my home team, the Philadelphia Eagles.

As soon as I told my parents I was going to the Eagles/Redskins game, they were both very jealous.  This game would be the first time I had ever gone to a professional football team’s game, so I was super excited.  As soon as we got near the stadium, I was pulled into the atmosphere.  There were fans tailgating in every parking lot, and even some tailgates where Eagles fans and Redskins fans were having fun together.  Being an Eagles fan, I was little nervous for people’s reactions to my green jersey, but everything was always good-natured.  While I was walking through the parking lot, getting into the stadium, or sitting in my seats, I was applauded by Eagles fans and playfully booed by Redskins fans.  Of course, as the game went on and the Redskins started scoring more and more, while the Eagles continued to play horribly, all of the Eagles fans got less and less excited.  Even though my team lost miserably, I still had a blast, because our seats were fantastic and everyone was having fun!

I think the best part of being at the game was the atmosphere.  Since the entire NFC East dislikes the Dallas Cowboys, whenever their score popped up on the big screen, everyone in the stadium started to cheer since they were losing.  Even though the fans didn’t agree on what team they were rooting for in the stadium, they agreed that they were rooting against the Dallas Cowboys.  I’m very grateful that McDaniel is so close to places like DC, because if it wasn’t, I never would have had the opportunity to go see my team play football!


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