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Genitales « Expect the Exceptional

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So last week I participated in one of my favorite events on campus, which is a show promoting sexual health education. Strangely this was actually tying in with what I am talking about in my history class and the sexual revolution. That’s beside the point, this has always been my favorite show on campus. Pretty much the premise is that a bunch of students get together and write pieces to promote talking about sex (one girl wrote one about the experience of having a big butt) and then share them to an audience. The proceeds all go to the Rape Crisis Center.

This year was particularly exciting because for the first time I am IN the show instead of watching it. I was a little nervous at first, but it helped to remind myself that this, in fact, is really important to me and has been for a long time. When I was in High School I was in a club called sexual health awareness educators (SHAE) and I feel that sex education truly is an important thing. I have always felt that way, and I don’t think people should stop being educated once they reach college.

The show is fantastic, and when I stared out into the crown I realized my nerves did not stop the fact that I was passionate about what I was doing. I am glad that I got over my stage fright and decided to participate in this show, and I am proud of the fact that I wrote my own piece. I will miss participating in organizations like this, but the show reminded me of a passion I had forgotten about, and I am glad I tried it out before graduation.

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