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To Get an Apartment: Housing Lottery

Since freshman year, I’ve only ever lived in dorms. I was in Whiteford freshman year because there weren’t enough spaces in DMC, spent last year on the third floor of McDaniel Hall, and currently reside in the lovely Blanche Ward Hall.

For next year, I was determined to have a kitchen in which I could […]

Spring Cleaning

This spring break, I stayed on campus to work, knit, practice for track, do homework, and clean.

And yes, I was excited for every bit of it, and it was just as wonderful as I’d hoped.

Through cleaning, I managed to put together a box of things to take home that I won’t have to […]

An Engish Major and a Microscope

Before last Monday, I hadn’t touched a microscope since I had biology in high school five years ago. I’d never even touched a quality microscope; the ones my high school had used mirrors for light and had limited magnification.

The microscopes the College has, however, are amazing.

As part of a class I’m taking with […]

Small Gifts for Midterms

With midterms and spring break approaching, it’s time to buckle down, study, and do projects. Luckily for me, that only applies to other students this semester since I don’t have any midterm tests or specifically midterm projects.

That gives me time to do other equally important things. As an FYS peer mentor, most of my […]

When times get rough, McDaniel helps make it better

When times get rough, I find myself more thankful than ever that I chose to come to McDaniel

It has been a tough start to the semester. I spent a week sick, my friends are having bad times, and I spent Valentine’s Day weekend at home for my grandmother’s funeral.

However, many of these things […]