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The Dreaded Group Project

There is always that one teacher that expects you to do a huge group project during the semester. And in said group, there’s always one person you have to pick up the slack for. Let’s just say I don’t jump up and down with excitement when I am handed a group project. However, this semester […]

The Vagina Monologues

Every year McDaniel presents Eve Enslor’s The Vagina Monologues.I have been a part of the production since my Freshman year and this year I had the honor of co-directing the wonderful fundraiser. The VDAY organization gives rights to the monologues every year to schools and organizations devoted to stopping the violence against women. Each year, […]

Writing for Nonprofit Organizations

One of the things I have begun to love about McDaniel is the fact that their classes are actually ones that are relevant out in the real world. This semester I am taking a class called Writing for Nonprofit Organizations. Our readings for each class consist of examples and forms to follow for grant writing, […]

First of Many Crazy Days

Wasn’t it Mary Poppins that said, “Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down?” Maybe that is a good way to look at my semester. As long as I keep a little sweetness in each day to make sure I can get through all the stress of being busy this semester. Today was […]

Exchange Student Roommate

My apartment is gearing up to have an exchange student from Brussels live with us for a semester. I’m super excited to meet her and see what she is like! I have always been fascinated with foreign countries so I hope all my questions don’t annoy or scare her. It will be a very French […]