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Academics « Expect the Exceptional

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Reflections and Adventures

Here is another post that focuses more on my reflections after the Balaton trip:


In addition, if you are interested in reading more about McDaniel students’ adventures in Balaton and other study tours, here is a link to the other blog: https://studytoursmcdaniel.wordpress.com/

While I was studying abroad in France, one of my friends from […]

Best Study Spot on Campus

I think perhaps the hardest thing for me this year has been finding a really great spot to study. Last year, I used to study on the entry floor of the library with friends, but as much as I love my friends, I never get any work done when I am around them. Hence, my […]

Global Fellows Colloquium

On Thursday, September 11, I went to the Global Fellows Colloquium. The guest speaker was Dr. John MacAloon from the University of Chicago, and we debated the Geopolitics of Olympic Host Cities. This was the best colloquium we have had so far! It was really interactive, and it gave us the chance to show all […]

Fall Semester, Sophomore Year

A handful of my textbooks for the semester.

Hi there!

Teachers really can make or break classes, I have remembered in these first two weeks of classes. I’m an English/Political Science double major, but this year I’m going to take a lot of English classes and very few PoliSci classes–next year, I’m going […]

A week in review: My last first week

I have scary news: I’m *gulp* a senior now. So while I certainly had fun this past week, I also found myself thinking way too much about how next year, I won’t have another one of these first weeks of school. But rather than dwell on how sad that is, let’s focus on what was […]