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Academics « Expect the Exceptional

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Global Fellows Program

Hi guys,

Morgan mentioned the Global Fellows program in her post last week, and I am excited to say that I am one of the 28 first-year students that were welcomed into the program last Thursday.

The Class of 2017’s Global Fellows.

Any freshman can apply for the program regardless of major. The […]

New Class of Global Fellows

On Thursday, we had the Global Fellows reception for the Class of 2017. It was such an exciting event! There are quite a few more Global Fellows in the next class than there are in mine, and I am happy to see that the program is growing.

It was fun to get to meet the […]

Getting Ready to Study Abroad

For the last few months, I have been working on paperwork (and more paperwork) in order to study abroad this summer.

At least now I know it paid off! They received my payment and I am good to go to The University of Stirling for two months, June 14-Aug 9. I don’t know what classes […]

When I get stressed out…

Well if you can’t tell by the title of this post, I am a little stressed out. I have briefly talked about my senior capstone project before and I will talk about it once its all finished. But the project is what is stressing me out! This is because I am having trouble writing my […]

Registering for Classes

Hey all,

My favourite time of the semester has come around–the time for picking and registering for classes.

Since I’m attempting a double major and triple minor and planning to spend my entire junior year abroad, I have to be pretty careful in picking my classes from here on out to make sure I can […]