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Academics « Expect the Exceptional

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Gearing up for Midterms!

Hey all,

Gearing up for midterms this semester has been surprisingly non-stressful. Though I’m taking my maximum allotted 22 credits, or six total classes, I only have one mid-term. This is one of the benefits of my majors–English and Political Science–as normally these classes are more likely to assign papers in place of exams. (For […]

Turning paper stress into paper success

As a liberal arts college, McDaniel is a place where students take classes in a variety of disciplines, regardless of their major. As a result, McDaniel students can expect to write at least a few papers a semester (and if you’re majoring in something in the humanities, you can expect to write a lot more).


Snow can’t stop us: Making up for lost class time

This Monday morning, I awoke early (for whatever reason), realized I should check my email to see how the weather would be affecting my day, and promptly rolled over back to sleep upon learning that McDaniel College would be having its fifth snow day of the semester. (It’s normal to have one or two snow […]

Fun Field Trips

One of the best parts about being in a Spanish class with Dr. Deveny is that he always takes his classes on field trips. Last semester, for my Cultural History of Spain course, we went and saw flamenco dancing. It was awesome to be able to see something that originated in Spain brought to […]

Calligraphy in Chinese


This morning in Chinese, we all gathered with paper, ink, fans, lanterns, and calligraphy brushes to embark on a fun way to practice writing our characters. I had to borrow a brush from a friend in the class, but it was really neat to pick up the newer version of a brush that’s […]