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Academics « Expect the Exceptional

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First day, first aid

It’s been a pretty smooth first day of spring classes here for me on the Hill, and no, in case the title of this post made you worried, I did not have to perform first aid.

BUT my very first class of the day was the first aid and CPR class I’m taking to finish […]

FYS: Freshmen Year Seminar

I saw one of my fellow McBloggers talk about their FYS, so I thought I would share my experience. My FYS was called Rites of Passages. We learned all about the different rites of passages in various cultures. For example, we studied quinceaneras and some African tribes who use tattooing. I really enjoyed the class […]

Broadening my Horizons

Part of being a Global Fellow is taking more than the required amount of international courses at McDaniel. Last semester I took one of the best classes ever: Asian Philosophy. In middle school, I had learned a little bit about Eastern religions like Buddhism and Confucianism. In high school, I learned about the world in […]

Model European Union

Hi guys!

Everyone’s gearing up for the start of the second semester next Monday. I can’t believe a semester has passed already. It feels like forever ago that my classmates and I were going through a candle lighting ceremony and being sweet and awkward at the ice cream social on the first day of classes. […]

The McDaniel Plan: A Lifesaver

From what I have gathered from my friends who go to other schools, their general education requirements seem to get them down. You have to take certain classes, and these courses seem to just get in the way of what they really want to do. Here at McDaniel, we have requirements, but they give you […]