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Academics « Expect the Exceptional

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Transitioning into College Life

College can be a big transition from high school. The workload changes for many students. It is some people’s first taste of freedom from their parent’s supervision. Your peers constantly surround you now; school life and home life have blended together into college life. Some people deal really well with change, and they transition into […]

Welcome to Jan Term

This is my first time on campus for a Jan term, and it’s been really fun so far. I have two classes every day: Presidential Scandals with Dr. Bryn Upton and Hapkido.

Presidential Scandals is proving to be interesting. It’s also revealing all the things I don’t know about the presidents, and how much I […]

Best Part of the Spanish Major

The best part of being in the Spanish major (besides utilizing my Spanish) is the amazing amount of support the teachers give students. You can tell that they are constantly trying to help students improve in their efforts to become fluent Spanish speakers. I discovered this fact as I went into my Cultural History of […]

Psychology Research Opportunities

As you guys all know from my “all about me” blog, I am a psychology major. I find it very interesting and you learn many different aspects of psychology. I was lucky enough to participate in a research project with a professor this past semester! Dr. Morris approached me and another student over the summer […]

Europe bound!

If you had told me when I was in high school that I would take a ten-day trip to Europe in the middle of winter, I might not have been too surprised. I was busy looking at colleges with strong study abroad programs, since I knew that traveling was something I really wanted to do […]