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Academics « Expect the Exceptional

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Field Trip! McDaniel has a farm?

It’s a rare occasion in college that you actually get to go on a class field trip-unless you’re in the Field Botany class. I hear from my friend in that this semester that everyday they get to go hiking somewhere different and plan on how to survive an Apocalypse by surviving the woods. How awesome […]

Crunch Time Returns

So, it is approaching crunch time for the semester once again. People have all kinds of final papers and presentations coming due in the upcoming two or three weeks. I am at work tonight and I am starting work on my final paper for my foreign policy class and my international law and organization class […]

Trumpeters inductions and fundraiser

On Monday of this week I was inducted into Trumpeters, an honor society exclusive to McDaniel. While it began as an organization which recognized only female students, today all campus leaders are encouraged to apply in the spring of junior year. Current members look at GPA and campus involvement and leadership when deciding who to […]

Field Trip to D.C.

This week, my Native American art class headed to D.C. with several other art classes to visit some museums and see some of the art we have been discussing this semester. My class of course went to the National Museum of the American Indian.

The museum is unique on the mall and was just completed […]

English major events galore!

The English department is busy this month, so it’s an exciting time to be an English major!

On Thursday, this year’s issue of McDaniel’s literary magazine, Contrast, was finally unveiled! Despite the fact that the magazine did not show up (the printer did not deliver the shipment in 48 hours as promised), the event was […]