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Academics « Expect the Exceptional

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Midterm Week

It’s that unavoidable point in the semester that every student dreads: midterms. Of course they come right before spring break, looming over your head as you’re busy thinking about the beach you’ll be laying on at that time next week.

I always get lucky and usually have a mixture of tests, papers, or projects, making […]

Farm Field Trip

This semester I decided to mix up my sciences classes with something different so I signed up for a ceramics course. There is no regret in this decision! So far we have had assignments ranging from brownie pans to olive oil bottles. I might not make the prettiest things, but I have a great time […]

Poster Presentation

Saturday morning I was up at 7:30 a.m. in a school van. Why? I had a conference. McDaniel teachers often encourage students to apply to local conferences. A few friends and I were accepted as presenters at a nearby conference in Baltimore. It was a conference about Intersectionalities and several McDaniel students were asked to […]

For the Biology Lovers

Genomics. Not a very well known subject to many people and new to me. It’s a great course to have on my resume as a science major since it is so up-and-coming – glad McDaniel offers it! I will give you a brief summary about genomics and then explain why it is such a great […]

McD Professors Outside of the Classroom

I have had a lot of professor time outside of the classroom this past week. Almost every McD student has their own unique story about what they did with their professor ranging from smoking hookah at their home or babysitting sheep at their farm. I got to add some more stories to my list this […]