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Academics « Expect the Exceptional

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Writing for Nonprofit Organizations

One of the things I have begun to love about McDaniel is the fact that their classes are actually ones that are relevant out in the real world. This semester I am taking a class called Writing for Nonprofit Organizations. Our readings for each class consist of examples and forms to follow for grant writing, […]

I ❤ Day 2

Last night, one of my friends wrote “I ❤ DAY 2” on the whiteboard on my door, and the idea kind of stuck with me (so much so that I decided to redecorate my whiteboard in its honor. It was also time for the drawing of the Christmas tree to go).

It’s been a fun […]

The Puzzle that is Book Buying

College kids always look for the cheapest price. Especially when it comes to buying books each semester. I currently have about 6 tabs open on my Google Chrome. The school bookstore, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, CollegeBookRenter, Half.com, and Facebook. I always each each site and go with whichever has the book for the lowest price. […]

Yoga day!

Today was finally yoga day, the day I’ve been looking forward to all Jan Term! I love yoga, and I don’t think a coping with stress class would be complete with out it.

Before Jennifer, the yoga instructor, arrived, our class was visited by a reporter and a photographer from the Carroll County Times, the […]

Coping with Stress, week one

I’m halfway through my first full week of being back on the Hill for Jan Term, and tomorrow is my last day of class for this week! (Coping with Stress doesn’t meet on Fridays.)

Over the past few days, I’ve learned a variety of stress reduction and relaxation techniques in Coping with Stress, and hopefully, […]