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Annie Brown « Expect the Exceptional

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F to (E)Mbody

Last night, F to (E)Mbody finally got to take place at McDaniel after being snowed out not once but twice this semester. The show is the brainchild of hip-hop and spoken word artists Rocco Katastrophe and Athens Boys Choir (also known as Rocco and Katz), who talk about their experiences with love, relationships, and being […]

April approaches!

In my five and a half semesters here on the Hill, I’ve found that April can be one of the most overwhelming months of the school year. But a lot of what makes the month of April such a jam-packed time is stuff that’s actually fun.

One thing I love about early April in particular […]

What’s an FYS and an SIS?

FYS and SIS are two of the most common acronyms you can expect to encounter on the Hill. For McDaniel students, these three-letter terms roll right off the tongue, but for people who aren’t yet a part of the McDaniel community, these terms are probably unfamiliar, at least in the contexts in which McDaniel students […]

In Search of Spring

Spring has arrived! Well, officially that is. While people all across the Mid-Atlantic are out getting free Rita’s Water Ice to celebrate the occasion and the weather where I am is quite pleasant, it still doesn’t seem like spring yet. I’m still wearing thick socks with snowflakes printed on them and things are still looking […]

Arcade Fire in Philly

Last week, when people asked me what my plans for spring break were, I answered with chilling with my dog, catching up on my TV shows (Portlandia and the Big Bang Theory) and doing homework. My thoughts were so preoccupied with the fact that I had so much on my to-do list for spring […]