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Annie Brown « Expect the Exceptional

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Annie: An English major and so much more

Hi all!

It’s been a while since I’ve introduced myself, so now that my fifth semester at McDaniel has wrapped up, I have plenty of time to let you know about me and what’s the latest in my McDaniel life.

I’m Annie Brown, and I’m a junior English major and writing minor who concentrates her […]

East, West, and a college that changes lives

Tomorrow, my family and I will embark on one last big trip before the school year starts. We’ll be flying from Philadelphia to San Francisco for a ten-day tour of California that will include stops in Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks, Los Angeles, and Malibu.

While I’m in San Francisco, I’m hoping to meet up […]

What to bring: school supplies

From bedding to bathroom supplies, you’ll find yourself bringing a lot of stuff with you to college. It’s important too to bring the tools you need to have success in the classroom. You have the freedom to choose what items best meet your needs, but here are some things to consider:

Things for taking notes


Your guide to buying novels for your lit class

Though McDaniel is a liberal arts college, most students aren’t required to take a literature class during their time on the Hill (though there is a component of the McDaniel Plan called “textual analysis,” which can be fulfilled by taking a course in literature, philosophy, foreign language, history, or a bunch of other things). However, […]

Summer on the Hill

There’s a lot that goes on at McDaniel during the summer, and while campus is not full of students, it’s not devoid of students either.

Many students choose to spend some of their summer at McDaniel doing scholarly research in conjunction with their professors. A lot of this research takes place in the scientific disciplines, […]