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Anthony Morgan « Expect the Exceptional

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Welcoming a new teammate

As you may know, I am a member of the men’s basketball team here at McDaniel. Last week, my teammates and I had the honor of signing a new member to our team.

Our new member is Joshua Hirtle, a nine-year-old from Sykesville, Maryland. Joshua was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and has completed his […]

Catching Up at Homecoming

Homecoming is always an exciting time at McDaniel. Many are stoked to see friends that have graduated in the the past. The football game is always a big attraction that allows people to coming home to the Hill.

My homecoming was not as exciting as most stories I’ve heard about — I had to spend […]

A Prime Location

Over the weekend, I got to drive to Washington, D.C. to attend a Redskins game with my family

McDaniel is located in Westminster, Maryland, a suburban area with a rural touch. Personally, I love it. Even though I like the city atmosphere, I enjoyed being in the beautiful countryside Carroll County has to […]

A McDaniel Soccer Win

This week I had an opportunity to work an athletic event here on the Hill as a ball boy at the women’s soccer game.

I couldn’t have chosen a more perfect day to work the game. The weather was beautiful–It was a mild 70 degree day with no wind. The sun was out and so […]

Busy Busy Busy

During my time here at McDaniel, I’ve had several busy weeks. Many things can cause busy weeks. These factors may be due to social life, academics, and athletics. Last week was my first busy week of the semester, so I thought it might be helpful to give a couple tips on how to avoid and/or […]