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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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Holocaust Speaker

Rueben (the speaker) answering a question

A couple of weeks ago, we had a Holocaust survivor visit campus and talk to us. His talk was so moving; almost everyone in the audience cried. I thought it was interesting to see how the experience affected him and the way he thinks about the world.


McDaniel Dance Company

I went to the performance by the McDaniel Dance Company about a week and a half ago and I have to say I was impressed by the choreography and dance ability of those involved. I haven’t had the opportunity to see them perform before, so it was really awesome to see what they could put […]

Talent Show

Tonight (on a date) I went to the service sorority Gamma Sigma Sigma’s Talent Show. My friends came over and helped me get all dressed up. The talent show was super fun!

We have so many talented people at this college. I saw unique dancers, beautiful singers, and a guy played the Native American flutes. […]

Senior Week!

With all the projects, papers, and test preparation going on right now, it is nice to have something to look forward to. The senior class definitely has an exciting time ahead and senior week is a part of all that excitement! Senior week is the week before graduation and the school puts on several awesome […]



Yesterday, before I dashed off to the spelling bee, I had the pleasure of attending the unveiling of this year’s issue of Contrast, McDaniel’s literary magazine.

The unveiling of Contrast is a lovely way to honor the hard work of all of the writers and artists who submitted to the magazine […]