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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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Performing Arts Festival

Hi there,

On Saturday evening, the McDaniel College Dance Team hosted a Performing Arts Festival. Tickets were $3 ahead of time and $5 at the door, which was definitely money well spent. There was a variety of talent that I was amazed to see. McDaniel students definitely keep some tricks up their sleeves!

There were […]

F to (E)Mbody

Last night, F to (E)Mbody finally got to take place at McDaniel after being snowed out not once but twice this semester. The show is the brainchild of hip-hop and spoken word artists Rocco Katastrophe and Athens Boys Choir (also known as Rocco and Katz), who talk about their experiences with love, relationships, and being […]

April approaches!

In my five and a half semesters here on the Hill, I’ve found that April can be one of the most overwhelming months of the school year. But a lot of what makes the month of April such a jam-packed time is stuff that’s actually fun.

One thing I love about early April in particular […]

Death by Chocolate Night at Glar

An assortment of strawberries for dipping.

Hi there,

Every now and again, Glar, McDaniel’s dining hall, has a themed night. Tonight’s was Death by Chocolate night which, to no one’s surpise, is my absolute favourite. I may be a little bit of a chocoholic, and tonight I may have forgotten to eat dinner […]

Speakers at the College: Dr. Telhami on the Middle East

Hey guys,

McDaniel often brings speakers to campus to lecture on topics of interest. There are always a variety of topics, and I’d guestimate that there’s one every two weeks at minimum. On Tuesday, Dr Shibley Telhami, who teaches at the University of Maryland at College Park, came and gave a lecture. He has […]