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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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Marshmallow Madness

A couple weeks ago, McDaniel College hosted the annual Maryland Collegiate Honors Council Conference. I volunteered to help out, so I got to meet tons of cool people and learn about all types of different subject areas. There are so many cool new developments I would have never heard about without the conference like how […]

Activities on the Hill

One of the great things about McDaniel is all the cool activities the Office of Student Engagement puts on throughout the year. They do a variety of things from bringing comedians on campus to build-a-bear. My favorite events are when you are able to make personalized items. Over the years I have collected several awesome […]

Helping out at Special Olympics

One of the many reasons I love McDaniel is because of all the events they put on. These events range from movies to volunteer work you can help at. This past weekend I got the pleasure of helping out at the Special Olympics.

McDaniel hosted the a basketball tournament, which were the qualification matches, for […]

Chamber Music on the Hill

Hey all,

McDaniel is part of a program called Chamber Music on the Hill, that sponsors musicians from all over to come to the Forum in McDaniel and play on a Sunday afternoon. Yesterday, a group known as the Westminster Trio performed, with a special guest who’d come from Florida. The program sponsors about four […]

Decker Auditorium Movies

These days, movie prices can be so expensive. It is hard to find a theater where you will spend less than $10 for your movie experience. Luckily, here at McDaniel, we get our own, FREE theater about once a month. Decker Auditorium has a huge screen and movie theater-like seats, so it makes you feel […]